Another Believer! (EXEC sp_name param, 'param') -Not!
Vis-a-vis my last number on why not to use "Exec spname paramvalue" etc. -- my friend figured out that all the places he was doing new SqlDataAdapter("exec mysp 1,5 'hello'"); are open to SQL injection attack (he thought they were immune to it). Why? Simple- if an attacker can get access to the SQL string they can just add ";DELETE TABLENAME". DOH!
So now he is happily rewriting everything to use SqlHelper and turning all those inline text strings into object[] parms={1,5,'hello'}; object arrays.
You see that? You are only dumb when you think you know everything....
So now he is happily rewriting everything to use SqlHelper and turning all those inline text strings into object[] parms={1,5,'hello'}; object arrays.
You see that? You are only dumb when you think you know everything....
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