Browser Compatibility, IE, FireFox, Standards
One of the biggest challenges to web developers is accomodating the browser. Standards with the DOM and CSS have come a long way, and so has the implementation. (Before you start harping about "Internet Exploder vs. Firefart", do yourself a favor and review the over 200 behavior and other changes they baked in as of IE 7 RC1, which was released today, at the IE7 blog page and see for yourself). So now that you have an RC for IE which basically means no more code changes until the next release, it's time for developers to start zeroing in on the defects and anomalies and workarounds for rendering, positioning and behaviors between different browsers. I for one would appreciate some sort of a site that highlights the differences between say IE, Firefox and Opera, one-by-one according to type (CSS, DOM, script, etc) with workaround examples for each. A community site wiki - style, with some developer participation, would go a long way toward helping the community as a wh...