Are You Ready for Live ID?
Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. - Frank Zappa Microsoft has rolled out its Live ID Web Authentication SDK and from some of the forum posts I've seen, developers are already misunderstanding what they really have to work with. You see comments like "hey, but it won't give me their email", or "Useless!", etc. Wrong! Windows Live ID is the authentication used by Microsoft’s web sites and services - for example, Hotmail and Windows Live ID is the evolution of the original Passport Service -- the name change ostensibly to focus on Window Live services and its ability to federate in a multi-property, multi-service identity world. If you don't believe this is big, let me give you one number: currently, more than 380 million users have credentials that work with Windows Live ID. D00d, that -- is big! Oh, and by the way - it's not just for the web. There is also a Windows Live ID Client SDK. Mostly the offering has be...