
Showing posts from 2011

Global Warming, Anyone?

A recent Pew Center poll reveals some interesting statistics about who believes global warming is mostly because of human activity. There is a large partisan gap in views about the causes of global warming: 51% of Democrats and 40% of independents say the earth is getting warmer mostly because of human activity. But only 19% of Republicans say rising temperatures are mostly attributable to human activity. Of course, if you add all these numbers up based on the percentage of the US population who are Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, you find out that most people do not believe that global warming is mostly because of human activity. Remember, this question is not about just "solid evidence of global warming" -- we already know the earth has warmed and cooled for billions of years -- its about "do you believe the earth is getting warmer mostly because of human activity" . What conclusions can we draw from this? Well, one obvious one is ...

The FED's Secret Bailout of Europe

Damnant quod non intellegunt    --They condemn what they do not understand America's central bank, the Federal Reserve, is engaged in a bailout of European banks. This operation is going pretty much unnoticed here in America. The Fed is using what is called a "temporary U.S. dollar liquidity swap arrangement" with the European Central Bank (ECB). There are similar arrangements with the central banks of Canada, England, Switzerland and Japan. The Fed trades or "swaps" dollars for euros. The Fed is compensated by payment of an interest rate (usually 50 basis points, or one-half of 1%) above the overnight index swap rate. The ECB, which guarantees to return the dollars at an exchange rate fixed at the time the original swap is made, then lends the dollars to European banks of its choosing. Why are they doing this? The Fed could  lend directly to U.S. branches of foreign banks. It did a great deal of such lending to foreign banks under var...

Harry Reid's Big Lie

On December 6, regarding his proposed 1.9 percent surtax on million-dollar incomes, Harry Reid said: "Millionaire job creators are like unicorns. Theyā€™re impossible to find, and they donā€™t existā€¦ Only a tiny fraction of people making more than a million dollars, probably less than 1 percent, are small business owners. And only a tiny fraction of that tiny fraction are traditional job creatorsā€¦ Most of these businesses are hedge fund managers or wealthy lawyers. They donā€™t do much hiring and they donā€™t need tax breaks." The real facts: Millionaire tax filers earn almost a quarter trillion dollars from their businesses. They hire hundreds of thousands of employees to do so. There are a trivial number of millionaire hedge-fund managers and wealthy lawyers (who, according to Harry, do not hire anyone and donā€™t need tax breaks). The millionaire tax surcharge is not aimed at them, but at the tens of thousands of millionaire business owners. A 1.9 percent surc...

Payroll Tax Cut Extension And You

Why would Democrats want the two-month cut instead of the yearlong cut? Because they didnā€™t want to give the issue up as a political boon. It allowed them to criticize Republicans for hypocritically opposing a tax cut. They settled for Keystone and offsets in exchange for the ability to again bash GOP-ers over their opposition to the tax cut extension two months from now. The House didnā€™t want to play along. A study came out to demonstrate that a two-month tax cut would be unworkable, allowing them to focus on the timeframe, rather than the tax cut extension itself. Their game? A two-month tax cut extension is a source of too much uncertainty for taxpayers. That's true, but it's not the central issue. Hereā€™s the problem: Whether itā€™s for two months or a year, a payroll tax cut extension is simply bad policy . In the context of comprehensive Social Security reform, it might make sense to tamper with the payroll tax. But as a half-hearted, gimmicky gesture to pander ...

What is a ā€œJob Creatorā€?

There is considerable political noise surrounding the idea of job creation. The right wing uses the ā€œjob creatorā€ argument to push the position that increasing taxes on the rich will burden job creators and deter from future job creation.  The other side tries to show that we should increase taxes on the rich and reduce taxes on the real job creators ā€“ the consumers.  This is another common case of filtering economics through a political filter in order to validate a preconceived bias.  A capitalist economy has, in the extreme aggregate, a theoretical level of infinite demand.  Entrepreneurs and capitalists meet that demand by creating goods and services with the hopes of generating a profit.  Importantly, the consumer and supplier are two sides of the same coin.  Henry Ford doesnā€™t exist without demand for automobiles.  Apple doesnā€™t exist without demand for iPhones. If there is no demand for the goods and services in a capitalist economy then the...

Liberal FUD Department Redux

This NYT Graphic keeps coming up repeatedly (it's been so widely reproduced, many don't even realize that the Times is the original source!) It's really emblematic of the mindless leftist FUD about economics. Just for starters, this thing represents the "Bush Tax Cuts" as a "cost" . What they fail to understand is that tax rates and tax revenue are two different things. Since the Eisenhower administration in the 1950's federal tax revenue as a percent of GDP has averaged about 18 percent. It didn't matter whether top tax rates were 92 percent (yes, they were that high!), or as low as 30 percent. Tax "rate" differences are not a "cost" item that you can just stick in some chart and say, "See! Bush cost us more money than Obama!". Tax "Cuts" (or in reality "current tax rates", whatever they may be) are not really a cost at all. What we need to measure is revenue to determine if curr...

Keynes Went Wrong In China Too

The People's Bank of China's surprise announcement Wednesday of a half percentage point cut in banks' required reserve ratio is an admission that the economy is facing stiff headwinds. Consumer price inflation remains relatively high at 5.5%, and the true level of inflation as reflected in the GDP deflator is probably closer to 10% The reason? After the 2008 financial crisis, China embarked on a Keynesian stimulus program that by GDP standards, was three times the size of ours here in the US. The country is drowning in unproductive investments financed with credit. The government spent 15% of GDP largely on public works projects in inland regions, financed with loans from the state-owned banks. Investment as a share of GDP soared to 48.5% in 2010, and the M2 measure of money supply ballooned to 140% that of the U.S. Now comes the hangover. Worsening inflation forced the government to put on the brakes this year. As with most property busts, transactions dried up,...

How to Really Analyze US Employment Numbers

Unemployment Rate vs Total Employment Yes - the unemployment rate fell to 8.6 percent in November, but it also masks a startling shift in the job market. The Labor Department said Friday that employers added 120,000 jobs last month. With that, the unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level in more than two and a half years. But a key reason for the drop was that hundreds of thousands of people who could work had stopped looking for work . The report showed 487,000 people left the labor force in November -- for the Labor Department's purposes, they are not counted as unemployed. What's important is total employment, which has barely budged. This means we're still facing a NET LOSS of over 2 million jobs since president Obama took office in 2009 - an absolutely abysmal performance, considering all the taxpayer money the government has thrown at the problem. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics The above chart simply takes the total US employment number b...

ClimateGate II Takes Center Stageā€“Global Warming Hoax Redux

If you thought the University of East Anglia email dump from two years ago was revealing, put your drink down and take a deep breath. Thereā€™s a whole new dump of 5,000 emails and documents leaked by, and they are just as damning ā€“ and more so ā€“ than the first batch. James Watts has the best synopsis here . Hereā€™s a teaser sample from Michael Mann: email 1680.txt date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:03:05 -0400 from: ā€œMichael E. Mannā€.. subject: Re: Something not to pass on to: Phil Jones Phil, I would not respond to this. They will misrepresent and take out of context anything you give them. This is a set up. They will certainly publish this, and will ignore any evidence to the contrary that you provide. s They are going after Wei-Chyung because heā€™s U.S. and there is a higher threshold for establishing libel. Nonetheless, he should consider filing a defamation lawsuit, perhaps you too. I have been talking w/ folks in the states about finding an investigat...

We're All Fascists Now

A couple of years ago, Newsweek had a cover story, ā€œWe Are All Socialists Now.ā€  The basic themes of huge stimulus package, ObamaCare, and government overregulation leading once-capitalist America down the dangerous road to socialism  is quite well worn.  Thereā€™s some truth to the basic theme:  the state is getting more and more deeply involved in business, even taking controlling interests in some private companies.  And the state is even trying to "make policy" for private companies they do not control.  So state power is growing at the expense of corporations. The problem is, that isn't socialism.  Socialism rests on a firm concept:  the abolition of private property.  What is happening now - particularly in the Obama administration - is an expansion of the stateā€™s role, an increase in public/private joint ventures and partnerships, and much more state regulation of business.  Itā€™s very "European," and some Eur...

Global Warming Hysteria

Global Warming Hysteria, at least in the USA, has really hit hard times. Maybe it is because global temperatures havenā€™t risen in a statistically significant manner for more than 12 years, despite increases in carbon dioxide emissions. Perhaps the bad economy is such that even believers donā€™t want more downward pressure to stop warming that might never come. Or, perhaps the credibility of global warming has been generally lost due to constant dire warnings, trying to make every weather event into global warming, incorrect computer model projections, or whatever, people are just not into the old panic anymore. Or perhaps, it is those evil Koch Brothers and their astonishingly effective propaganda machine. Whatever, the hysteria seems to have run out of gas. Hereā€™s a small but very telling example: Three years ago Pacific Gas and Electric offered its customers the opportunity to put their money where their mouths are by paying a little extra to fund carbon offsets. Well, the program is...

Those Obstructionist Republicans

Republicans stink. This, in a nutshell, is what Democrats are running on in 2012. Republicans are mean. They're obstructionists. They don't care about the elderly and they don't care about the middle class. They're dangerous ideologues looking out only for the rich. The country faces serious economic challenges and catastrophic debt. Homes are worthless, jobs are scarce and collapsing European social-welfare states are providing frightening previews of what Americans can expect if Washington doesn't dial back its deficit spending. But Democrats are unwilling to engage in serious, honest debate about their vision for the country. Instead, they just criticize Republicans. What's even more repulsive than this juvenile approach to governance and campaigning? The fact that a huge chunk of the electorate actually buys it. If there's a lesson in all this, one year before Americans go to the polls to again decide the direction of the country, it's that...

Selected Posts

A big part of the reason for Occupy malaise is that the social model no longer works. The machine by which universities train young people to become minor regulators and then delivers them into white-collar positions on the basis of credentials in history, political science, literature, ethnic and womenā€™s studies ā€“ with or without the benefit of law school ā€“ has broken down. The supply is uninterrupted, but the demand has dried up. Itā€™s not the greedy Wall Street bankers who destroyed these peopleā€™s hopes. Itā€™s the virtueocracy itself. Itā€™s the people who constructed a benefit-heavy entitlement system whose costs can no longer be sustained. Itā€™s the politicians and union leaders who made reckless pension promises that are now bankrupting cities and states. Itā€™s the socially progressive policy-makers in the U.S. who declared that everyone, even those with no visible means of support, should be able to own a home with no money down, courtesy of their government. The fact of the...

It's All Greek to Me

Before you get excited about the last minute Euro-Deal and the 340 point rally in the Dow, consider this: Wall Street has been dancing to Greece's whistle. If Greece says 'jump,' Wall Street jumps, if Greece says 'Sorry, false alarm,' Wall Street cries. This has been going on for about 2 years now, and it's getting pretty tired. Shame on you if you think everything's going to be fine just because Greece and/or its European pretend-to-be saviors announce another plan to come up with a plan. Greece is broke and has no significant revenue sources to pay off its debt. Foreign investors own about $385 billion worth of Greek government debt. Many banks and governments that own Greek debt are at the brink of insolvency already, so Greece's inability to pay its debt may push other countries and their banks into insolvency. You can't trust statements from European officials because they are trying to prevent panic. Panic will make any kind of solutions m...

My Response to the Occupy Wall Street Protesters

This is a great letter, and it is real. To All My Valued Employees, There have been some rumblings around the office about the future of this company, and more specifically, your job. As you know, the economy has changed for the worse and presents many challenges. However, the good news is this: The economy doesn't pose a threat to your job. What does threaten your job however, is the changing political landscape in this country. Of course, as your employer, I am forbidden to tell you whom to vote for - it is against the law to discriminate based on political affiliation, race, creed, religion, etc. Please vote for who you think will serve your interests the best. However, let me tell you some little tidbits of fact which might help you decide what is in your best interest.First, while it is easy to spew rhetoric that casts employers against employees, you have to understand that for every business owner there is a backstory. This back story is often neglected and over...

Debunking Liberal Economic Myths

Kevin Drum, writing in Mother Jones , proposes 5 ā€œMythsā€ about some common economic issues that he claims arenā€™t true.  Liberal writers often suffer from a kind of confirmation bias when making such statements. This is the tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the information is true. Letā€™s have a look at what Mr. Drum says, and Iā€™ll provide my own ā€œconfirmation biasā€ to show that the statements are either false, or not wholly accurate: Myth #1 The Stimulus Failed The central theme of this assertion revolves around what FDR did during the Great Depression. Mr. Drum asserts (correctly) that FDR tackled the depression with inflation, easy monetary policy, and government spending. Then in 1937 spending was cut and monetary policy tightened up.    Mr. Drum reports that in 1938 the austerity program was abandoned and the economy started to grow again. What he doesn't report is that  FDR ra...

The Global Warming Petition Project

The purpose of the Petition Project is to demonstrate that the claim of ā€œsettled scienceā€ and an overwhelming ā€œconsensusā€ in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent climatological damage is wrong. No such consensus or settled science exists. As indicated by the petition text and signatory list, a very large number of American scientists reject this hypothesis. Publicists at the United Nations, Al Gore, and their supporters frequently claim that only a few ā€œskepticsā€ remain ā€“ skeptics who are still unconvinced about the existence of a catastrophic human-caused global warming emergency. It is evident that 31,487 Americans with university degrees in science ā€“ including 9,029 PhDs, are not "a few." Moreover, from the clear and strong petition statement that they have signed, it is evident that these 31,487 American scientists are not "skeptics." These scientists are instead convinced that the human-caused global war...

What's Different About "This" Recession?

  I am often scolded by my liberal friends about how this past recession (2008) was different, we almost had an economic collapse, it was as bad or worse than the Great Depression, and various other items all underscoring the need for "more stimulus". They claim that we tried lower tax rates, etc. A quick look at the composition of the stimulus spending in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (see chart) reveals that the major portion of the spending was to transfers to state and local governments (mostly used for fiscal relief, which is temporary), transfers to persons (temporary) and "Tax Cuts" - almost all of which were temporary in nature. Temporary measures simply cannot provide permanent economic growth. They run out (as they already have), and you end up with more of the original problem that has never been solved in the first place. Plus - an even bigger debt burden. There are not many cases of economic collapse in modern histo...

Israel, Borders and US Foreign Policy

Many Americans are confused or simply ignorant about the history of Israel and "Palestine".  The following information is offered to provide some historical context, and is derived from several good sources. A common misperception about Israeli sovereignty  is that all the Jews were forced into the Diaspora by the Romans after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 C.E. and then, 1,800 years later, suddenly returned to Palestine demanding their country back. In reality, the Jewish people have maintained ties to their historic homeland for more than 3,700 years. The Jewish people base their claim to the Land of Israel on at least four premises: 1) the Jewish people settled and developed the land; 2) the international community granted political sovereignty in Palestine to the Jewish people; 3) the territory was captured in defensive wars and 4) God promised the land to the patriarch Abraham. Even after the destru...

Developers, Start Your Endorphins! Peteā€™s Nuclear Bomb Salsa

Endorphins are among the brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which function to transmit electrical signals within the nervous system. At least 20 types of endorphins have been demonstrated in humans. Endorphins can be found in the pituitary gland, in other parts of the brain, or distributed throughout the nervous system. Stress and pain are the two most common factors leading to the release of endorphins. Endorphins interact with the opiate receptors in the brain to reduce our perception of pain and act similarly to drugs such as morphine and codeine. In contrast to the opiate drugs, however, activation of the opiate receptors by the body's endorphins does not lead to addiction or dependence. In addition to decreased feelings of pain, secretion of endorphins leads to feelings of euphoria,well-being and the ability to "think" clearly - precisely what software developers need to do!  It's a known fact that chili, jalapeno and similar peppers stimulate the se...

OIL: Speculators ā€“ or Supply and Demand?

If supply is solid and demand is solid, how can it be that oil prices are skyrocketing? President Obama offered his thought recently, explaining that ā€œwe [speculators] think that maybe there's a 20 percent chance that something might happen in the Middle East that might disrupt oil supply, so we're going to bet that oil is going to go up real high. And that spikes up prices significantly."  He even announced a special ā€œcommissionā€ to investigate and root out oil speculators. Is Obama right about speculators being the cause of high gas prices, and that supply and demand are balanced (as he also stated)? Letā€™s take a closer look: The above  two charts from the International Energy Agencyā€™s latest report show quite clearly that world oil demand is currently outstripping world oil supply. And it will get worse over the near term. If countries cannot get oil at good prices, their economies begin to suffer. Prices of everything go up. With Fed Chairman Ben Bernank...

Does Raising Taxes Help the Deficit?

Current wisdom in Washington is that we need to raise taxes (particularly on ā€œthe richā€).  Hereā€™s why it wonā€™t work. President Obamaā€™s deficit policy speech today emphasized that if government spending breaches a trigger level, tax increases should be triggered. He has it 100 percent backwards . Iā€™ll explain. We have a current tax policy that taxes higher income people more as a percentage of their income than those in lower income brackets. This is true even if you look at all Federal taxes, not just income taxes.  The following chart, based on data from the liberal-leaning Tax Policy Center , makes this clear: It can be seen that the highest earning group, at $212,666 and up, pays 40.3% of all Federal taxes, while the middle group (from $35,347 to $64,490 income) pays less than one quarter of that, at 10% of all Federal Taxes. These are facts, they donā€™t lie. But somehow the current Administration seems to think that higher income earners arenā€™t paying e...

Subway to Nowhere

You climb the stairs Looking for a sign That will tell you where to go But you never find it You retrace your steps And realize it's cold and you've left your jacket Somewhere And now you cannot go back Because you don't know where You come into a station People mill about A train comes screeching around an impossible curve the last car is blown open like shrapnel from a bomb You turn away This is not the train And no one gets on You were looking for The art museum Somewhere in your mind you know how to walk there but now you're lost You cannot go forward You cannot go back You stare into someone's face And realize it is an old friend from high school But you ask his name and he says something unintelligible You are dreaming and Awake in the dream familiar subway sounds Welcome to the subway to nowhere

Do you believe in Astrology?

Have you ever seen a newspaper headline, "Psychic Wins Lottery"? Or, "Astrologer Wins Lottery"? In one poll, 31% of Americans expressed a belief in astrology and, according to another study, 39% considered it scientific. The core beliefs of astrology were prevalent in parts of the ancient world and are epitomized in the Hermetic maxim, "as above, so below". Tycho Brahe used a similar phrase to summarize his studies in astrology: suspiciendo despicio , "by looking up I see downward". Although the principle that events in the heavens are mirrored by those on Earth was once generally held in most traditions of astrology around the world, in the West there has historically been a debate among astrologers over the nature of the mechanism behind astrology. In other words, the so-called experts cannot even agree how to practice it! Predictive astrology, in the Western tradition, employs two main methods: astrological transits and astrological progres...

A Twenty Five Cent Developer Meal

With 2011 rolling in and the economy still hovering around 10% unemployment, itā€™s more important than ever to economize. Dr.Dotnetsky, our kind denizen of ,  passed on this great economy meal tip and Iā€™m reproducing it here: Ingredients: 1 Package Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup 1 small bunch scallions, chopped 10 Baby Spinach leaves, chopped Dash Toasted Sesame Oil 3 dashes Sushi Rice Seasoning Maruchan Ramen comes in a number of flavors. Each comes with a seasoning packet. They are available for sale at grocery stores nationwide for as low as 6 for $1.00. (Dood ā€“ thatā€™s seventeen cents a piece!) Heat up a saucepan with 2 cups water. Throw in the noodles. After the noodles start boiling, throw in the spinach leaves and the scallions. Add the sesame oil and the Sushi Rice seasoning (itā€™s just flavored vinegar) Add the seasoning packet contents. Turn off the heat after 3 minutes, stir, and pour into a bowl. Enjoy! Dr. Dotnetsy recommends that with the money ...