Screen-Scraping Stock Market Data with HtmlAgilityPack
I’ve been involved with the stock market since the early 80’s when I was a rookie broker with Merrill Lynch in Orlando. In fact probably the main reason I got out of stock trading and into programming was because I spent more time looking at the technical indicators than selling stocks and mutual funds! Back in the 1970’s legendary market guru Norman Fosback developed a “Daily Market Forecast” index that had an uncanny accuracy with predicting the direction of the next day’s market. Most of the items I have in this article were included in that index. There is a page on Yahoo Finance, which provides most of these indicators daily. Another page on the WSJ, provides the daily TICK and TRIN (Arms index) that are also components of Fosback’s indicator. I put together a console application that can be run daily via Task Scheduler to scrape these values daily and store them in...