
Showing posts from July, 2012

Global Cooling Past 15 Years Despite CO2 increases

Over the last 15 years, we've been told that human CO2 emissions would cause global warming to accelerate to new dangerous levels, and this "unequivocal" warming would generate fantastic, catastrophic climate change disasters - the IPCC's climate models told us this, and truth be told, they were absolutely and spectacularly wrong. As the U.S. has baked during the hot summer of 2012, the rest of the globe has been treading water, so to speak.  As the HadCRUT global temperature chart above shows, the large growth in atmospheric CO2 levels continues. Yet the 15-year trend of stable to a slight global cooling remains . This extended 180-month period of non-warming was not predicted by a single global climate model. The IPCC's climate models obviously have very serious, fundamental issues that can't just be 'tweaked' away. The most serious issue is their being CO2-centric, thus minimizing other factors (i.e., forcings) that influence temperatures an...

Socialism does not work

Socialism in Europe and in this country always starts the same way ā€“ promise people free health care and free retirement and free housing and whatever free stuff wins political favor and gets you reelected. This is what progressive liberals do and what Obama is doing. And people keep voting for them because they love "free stuff".  They don't care where the money comes from.  Some claim that the "rich" will pay for it all. But, the rich do not have enough money. They may have enough to pay for the very poor, but not for everyone. So, the socialists borrow the money. That way, they are still giving the populace free health care. But, at some point you can't borrow the money anymore because the people you are borrowing it from realize that they will never be paid back. This is the tipping point at which socialism fails. Past this point, you have to tax the people to whom you promised the "free" stuff in order to pay for their "free" s...

What is Trickle-Down Economics?

ā€œTrickle downā€ is of course a disingenuous misnomer invented by the left to stigmatize conservative supply-side economic policies. It implies favoring the richā€”that doing so will ā€œtrickle downā€ to everyone else. Nonsense. Conservatives donā€™t care any more or less about the rich than do liberals. The point for conservatives is not to help the rich, but to limit the harm done to incentives by tax policy so individuals have greater opportunities to become rich. President Obama misrepresents supply-side economics and then goes on to misinform his audience that itā€™s never worked. People are entitled to their own opinions, but theyā€™re not entitled to their own facts.    Every time supply-side economic policies have been tried, tax rate reductions were applied to every income group ā€” lower-income, middle-income, and upper-income alike ā€” giving everyone a better shot at success. This is true regarding supply-side policies of the 1920s, 1960s, 1980s and 2000s. Economist Thomas S...

Why I'm Voting for Mitt Romney

Romney is making this election about Barack Obama. Considering the current state of the economy, Barack Obama has a record that he simply cannot run on. This is why the "Generic Republican" did so well in the primary season polls against Obama.  Republicans are putting forward a contrasting vision, but the election is ultimately a referendum on Obama.  Romney is correctly focusing on that issue. Romney has a history of turning things around. With the economy still limping along, only a 63 percent labor force participation rate, and American debt dangerously spiraling out of control, this country absolutely must have a change in direction.  Fixing entities that are in trouble is exactly what Mitt Romney has spent much of his life doing. As CEO of Bain Capital, Romney oversaw the investment and renovation of numbers of struggling companies, with an 80% overall success rate.  He successfully led the effort to save the 2002 Winter Olympics, which...

The US Can Learn A Lot From Europe

1. Higher taxes lead to higher spending, not lower deficits . Evidence from Europe shows that politicians almost always claim that higher taxes will be used to reduce red ink, but the inevitable result is bigger government.  2. A value-added tax would be a disaster . The statists wonā€™t be able to impose a European-style welfare state in the United States without first imposing this European-style money machine for big government. 3. A welfare state cripples the human spirit . 4. Nations reach a point of no return when the number of people mooching off government exceeds the number of people producing . The welfare state, unchecked, inevitably leads to fiscal collapse. One need only look to Greece to see this in action. 5. Bailouts donā€™t work .   Imagine how much better things would be in Europe if Greece never received an initial bailout. Much less money would have been flushed down the toilet and this tough-love approach would have sent a very positive message to...

Why Do Conservatives Hate Black People?

First of all, this is just not true. Secondly, this makes an assumption that all conservatives are white. There are many black conservatives.   Are there racists in the Republican party? Sure, but no more than youā€™ll find in the Democratic Party. So, why are Republicans being constantly accused of racism? Itā€™s a political strategy . If black Americans werenā€™t convinced that the GOP was racist, theyā€™d probably break 70/30 or even 60/40 for the Democrats instead of 90/10 and that would be devastating to the left. Thatā€™s why the Democrats are desperate to shout "racism" at every possible opportunity. It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s true or false because the political stakes are so high for the left. Thinking for oneself, loving your country, understanding and embracing the free market capitalist system, and loving your Constitution means you are not ā€œblackā€ but instead you are a "house negro" or a "token" for the Republican party.  ...