The new year is right around the corner. What changes are you going to make in your life?

Everyone believes they need to make big changes but the only big change you need is the change to your thinking. Change your thinking and you will automatically change dozens of small things you do every day. That’s because action follows thinking. Things to Think About in 2014: (1) Why? Why am I doing things the way I am doing them? Why am I using that media? That message? Who suggested it? Am I testing it? (2) Think of each day as a gift. What you do with that gift is up to you. Will you waste it? Make it productive? Enjoy it? (3) Consider that who we are is determined mostly by our environment — until we become aware of this fact — then it’s up to us. (4) Remember that you can’t eliminate all mistakes, but you can stop repeating them. Are you repeating mistakes? (5) Just because something has never been done doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Maybe you were meant to do it. (6) Share what you learn. Share the credit. Share the ...