Blogger offers Word Plug-In, and HTTP KeepAlive

Blogger has a free downloadable Word plug-in that allows you to make blog posts from within MS Word. It doesn't support images though, so if you want to upload a picture of your newest product (as seen at left) you'll need to do that separately.

Oh, well...

We had an interesting post on our forums today:

"What is the best way to establish an http protocol communication link to POST data using a persistent connection ? How can i verify that a connection is made ? what classes will i be using in .NET, what is the easiest way to go about it ? the protocol will be http1.1 Thanks"


HTTP is not like TCP Sockets
so when you make an HTTP Request Whether the request method is either GET or POST, the only way you can be sure that you have made a connection is to look at the RESPONSE. The term "Persistent Connection" when referring to the HTTP Protocol is somewhat misleading because it can lead folks to believe they have the equivalent of an open TCP Socket connection, which is not true. Http operates on what is called a request-response paradigm. This means that a client generates a request for information, and passes it to the server, which answers it. In the original implementation of HTTP, each request created a new socket connection to the server, sent the request, then read from that connection to get the response. Under HTTP 1.1 the Connection: Keep-Alive header no longer has any meaning. Also, an optional Keep-Alive: header is described, but is so underspecified as to be meaningless. The bottom line is that HTTP is a stateless protocol - this means that every request is independent of every other. Keep alive doesn’t change that. Additionally, there is no guarantee that the client or the server will keep the connection open. Even in 1.1, all that is promised is that you will probably get a notice that the connection is being closed. So keepalive is something you should not write your application to rely upon.


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