Iran plans Holocaust Conference?

Ok, we all know this dood is downright dangerous. But, people need to understand how "holocausts" happen. They don't happen because the German people, or the Japanese people are "evil" in some way.

They happen because, usually during bad times, some psychotic power-hungry maniac is able to get into a position of power and is allowed to do his thing unchecked. It's the psychology of crowd madness. It's happened scores of times in recorded history. The people are mesmerized by these evildoers, and they follow.

And oftentimes, the rest of the world is apathetic, wants to stay out of the way, or just plain doesn't understand the risk of letting them go unchecked.

OK? So now, friends, you are staring a brand new one of these right in the face. I mean, for real, right now, not a game, not a sound bite! A real Hitler, a real Osama Bin Laden. You are watching him on TV, he's out in the open. And, he's both NUTS and DANGEROUS, as in "NUCLEAR Dangerous". You aren't watching Dr. Evil in an Austin Powers movie. YOU ARE WATCHING THE REAL BANANA.

The situation with Iran right now is eerily similar to the way the world viewed Hitler in the 1930's.

What ya gonna do about it? You gonna let him do his thing? You gonna "negotiate" with him?


Hey! I got friends who are Iranian. They can't understand this crap! It's incomprehensible to them. They are great, intelligent Americans who believe in freedom.

And, I believe one more thing. In order to preserve freedom, you must identify and eliminate the threats to it, before they succeed. You wanna wait around for the U.N. to do something? Heh! You will grow old and die first!

According to figures provided by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, the overall number of victims of Auschwitz in the years 1940-1945 is estimated at between 1,100,000 and 1,500,000 people. The majority of them, and above all the mass transports of Jews who arrived beginning in 1942, died in the gas chambers. Jews were not the only victims of this Nazi German killing machine - historians estimate that among the people sent to Auschwitz alone, there were at least 1,100,000 Jews from all the countries of occupied Europe, over 140,000 Poles (mostly political prisoners), approximately 20,000 Gypsies from several European countries, over 10,000 Soviet prisoners of war, and over 10,000 prisoners of other nationalities.

Anybody can sponsor a "conference" to attempt to discredit documented historical facts. This kind of Revisionism is the very first sign of a budding Hitler! Jews and non-Jews alike should be extremely vigilant in the face of individuals like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

There's only one thing to do. You don't negotiate with terrorists! Take him out. FAST! I suppose we could just wait for Mossad to do it, huh?

I leave you with this quote from Ruth Gordon, who played an Auschwitz concentration camp survivor in "Harold and Maude":

"Courage is very important. Like a muscle, it is strengthened by use. " -- Ruth Gordon

My 2 cents.


  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    True, stupid people in position of power should be stopped. The more stupider and more powerfull, the sooner we should stop them. First one we should take down is that terrorist Bush...

  2. Re: "True, stupid people.."

    You've been listening to too much Harry Belafonte music, dood. Get Real!

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    There is only one Hitler and I wish everyone would stop referring to "COMPARATIVE PERSON" as Adolf Hitler. You have a PhD, so no doubt you are educated. That does not make you the definitive authority on foreign policy.

    How should we take him out? Iraq-style? Answer that genius. I agree that the mullahs should not be in power but there are proper ways to go about doing this that don't involve negotiation. I'm quasi-agreeing with you and I'm Iranian myself!

    Fucking republicans, it's all black and white with them. If you're against war then you must be pro-terrorism. There are middle-of-the-road strategies.

  4. RE "There is only one Hitler":

    I'm using the name "Hitler" to describe a socio-pychological phenomenon, because the name signifies something that most intelligent people understand. In this sense, there have been and will be many.

    If we can "Take him out", change the power structure, etc. "non-Iraq Style", this is wonderful.

    I really doubt that it's all black and white for every "Fucking Republican", or "Wonderful Democrat". As with anything in life there is a broad range of views.

    The point here, which you may not have fully gotten, isn't about black and white. It's more about recognizing the lessons of history and being determined to take appropriate steps not to repeat them.

  5. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Hey Will,

    I'd love to hear your middle of the road strategy for keeping Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

    They've already balked at the Russian proposal to handle the materials for them.

    They said Israel needs to be wiped off the face of the globe.

    They said the holocaust never happened.

    Death to America...

    Uh, what exactly should our middle of the road strategy be for dealing with mindsets like this?

    Rather than rant back at me, take this opportunity to educate this "Fucking White Republican".

  6. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Dear Peter,

    I recently wrote you to say thank you for your insightful articles.

    Now and then I read your blog to see what you are up to.

    But I must say this one is a "stinker". It scares me to see what you "might" be proposing:

    "You wanna wait around for the U.N. to do something? Heh! You will grow old and die first!

    So what are you proposing. A preemptive strike ? Start a war before we are actually on the brink of one?

    I know you are a brilliant man in many ways, and I recognize that desperate times require desperate measures. But if proposing that "we" (western nations) attack Iran before they are a _REAL_ threat, then aren't we infact the ones who are imposing on their freedom?

    A smart man once said: "When fighting a monster, be careful you don't become one yourself" -- I think this is something people with a neo-conservative mindset should consider for a moment.

    (I'm only assuming you are a neoconservative)

  7. What I am proposing is that people THINK.

    Sometimes, by being a little "over the top" we can achieve this objective.

  8. Anonymous4:54 AM

    It's interesting how most americans seem to see hitlers everywhere except between their own borders. maybe that's to be expected when you're living in a land where elections can be stolen and media objectivity is a joke.

    At least Iran hasn't invaded other countries just for some oil or because their president wants to finish what daddy couldn't. Oh no, that was because of the WMD's right?

    yeah right...

    So by all means bomb the shit out of iraq and while you're at it do korea too. Hell, why stop there, let's carpet-bomb Korea or even China! In fact, why use bombs! Let's nuke the entire world!!!! That'll teach 'm to threaten democracy and freedom!

  9. Your comment is a reasonably good example of how many people blindly fail to see an imminent danger because they are so steeped in hatred and ideology that they can only focus on the hole instead of the donut.

  10. Anonymous7:38 AM

    It is my experience that people 'steeped' in hatred see dangers everywhere. Are you arguing that someone, who finds this whole notion of blindly attacking anything viewed as foreign ridiculous, is steeped in hatred? Very strange logic indeed.

    As for ideology, I don't particularly care what someone votes for. Nor do I care in what country they live. In fact I find the whole democrat/republican discussion very boring and non-consequential. Stupid people live all over the globe.

    It does however surprise me when someone who obviously has some intelligence holds the kind of simpleton views your expressing. You do have access to unbiased media so you really have no excuse for buying into propaganda.

  11. Anonymous8:00 PM


    The reality of the discussion is this. Iran does not need nuclear power. It sits on a sea of oil. It could also just as easily make use of the desert sun with solar power.

    Iran has refused to let the Russians manage their nuclear fuel as a compromise.

    So, what does a country that is an outright sponsor of terrorism and proudly proclaims it need nuclear technology for???

    The debate of whether they should have the freedom to possess such technology does not outweigh the direct and indirect threat it poses to the world.

    Iran clearly will stop at nothing to possess the technology. We have nothing they want.

    Negotiation is pointless.

    Iran won't give it up. The world cannot accept the risk. The undeniable conclusion is the use of force.

    It will happen, sooner rather than later. You'll be pissed off but you'll be alive.


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