Da Dum, Da Dum, Saddam

"At 6:10 a.m., the trapdoor swung open. He seemed to fall a good distance, but he died swiftly. After just a minute, he was not moving. His eyes still were open but he was dead.
His body stayed hanging on the rope for another nine minutes as those in attendance broke out in prayer, praising the Prophet, at the death of a dictator."

There are surely two schools of belief system about the above:

1) America toppled the Dictator and empowered his people to regain their destiny, and the Iraqi people did what they consider proper justice at their own will.

2) It was the Americans' fault, America has no business in Iraq; It was America that executed Saddam.

You will often also find the number 2 people in the cadre of folks who have something in their radical, left-wing psyches that leads them to believe that the U.S. Government was somehow involved in the 9/11 disaster, in some evil conspiratorial way.

So, now it's over. Like Hitler, Tojo, Stalin. Good vs Evil. At any rate, it certainly should be cathartic for the Iraqi people, many of whom have suffered dearly at the hands of this maniac.

Where do we go from here? Personally, I have no doubt that Saddam was one of the most evil dictators of the 20th century (and a portion of the 21st), and deserved to be hanged. Banishment would have been more humane, but we must remember that in that part of the world, punishment by death is more the rule than the exception.

-- And, it was their decision.

We still have 40,000 troops in Japan and 30,000 in Korea after 60 and 50 some-odd years respectively. The U.S. of A. is going to have a presence in Iraq for a very long time. Get over it.

The American Thinker article that one commenter astutely points out sums it up:

"It is interesting to note that those complaining about Saddam's death sentence do so in the safety knowing that they will probably never have to live in the culture he helped create, nor will they ever have Saddam Hussein as a neighbor. If Saddam were allowed to live, Iraqis who suffered under his regime would not have those same assurances."


  1. Oh yeah! The Iraqis ought to be cheering in the streets, since their *so* much better off now. What's a little civil war that's killing a 50-100 innocent people a day and who knows how many 'fighters' on both sides including Americans?

    It's one thing to say the US rid the country of a mean old dictator (on false pretenses at that and never mind that the US gov't installed Sadaam 20 years ago), but quite another to have the US stand by and let the country sink into the middle ages. There ain't no marshall plan to pick up the ruin brought on the country...

    Not exactly the proudest American moment, is it? Ah, but it's so easy to forget history and practice hypocrisy!

  2. Hmm. Guess you fall in the #2 category.

  3. If you are going to say stupid crap, at least get your history correct.

    The British backed the government that Saddam worked to overthrow.

    We did not "install" him.

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "Hmm. Guess you fall in the #2 category."

    One of the few times I disagree with you Peter. I think Rick belongs in the unstated #3 category: too stupid to be informed.

    Let's see, 20 years ago was 1986. Saddam had been President of Iraq for 7 years. Saddam had significant powers in Iraq starting in 1969. In 1975 he became a General in the Iraqi Army, formed a security force that begin killing his opponents, resulting in his becoming president in 1979. One of Saddam's first acts as President was to convened an assembly of Ba'ath party leaders. At the assembly, Saddam read a list of names and each member named was removed from the assembly one by one, some executed. Baghdad was one of the most modern cities in the Middle East at the time. Within in a year, Saddam started a war with Iran. The Soviets supplied Iraq with military equipment, not the US. And contrary to popular belief, this war lead to the demise of Baghdad, not actions by the US.

    The above brief history of Saddam and Iraq can easily be found at a number of web sites in much more detail. I suppose it's easier to be stupid than informed.

  5. OK, my friend:

    3.) Those that are too stupid to be informed.

    Your history is much closer to what actually happened. The number 3 category could possibly be the most dangerous of all, because they parrot what they've read and accept it as Gospel.

  6. Anonymous3:45 PM

    You might want to get your facts straight, or stick to .NET stuff:


  7. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Considering what would have been more or less "humane", C.S. Lewis wrote an interesting essay on just this topic in "The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment". I think Lewis would have argued that to deny Saddam his just punishment by execution actually would have been less humane. I recently came across an article on this at The American Thinker...


  8. Re: "You might want to get your facts straight"...

    I don't get my "facts" from some yo-yo's opinionated blog, fella. If you choose to educate yourself in this manner, it is your prerogative.

  9. Anonymous1:38 AM

    No, you get your "facts" from Fox News, which you "parrot".

    You're just not real bright in the category of world affairs, and are better off sticking to something you have some understanding of, "Fella". (How gay is that?)

  10. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Just curious, what is the incorrect fact? The blog has no factual errors, and the only factual error is in the comment by rick.

    One question, How do morons, like you, learn to use a computer?

  11. Anonymous3:30 PM

    In my opinion the US actions are ill advised. Ruthless dictator or not, the actions taken by the US/UK have not achieved the desired result - neither will the killing of Saddam. Iraq is in danger of falling to a power far worse and dangerous than the isolated dictator – we are in danger of creating a regional superpower supported by skeptical Muslims around the world. Backing Saddam in the war against Iran was a mistake and created the brutal dictator. Failing so spectacularly whilst trying to remove their own creation, will have an equally tragic result.

  12. Anonymous5:22 PM

    "Backing Saddam in the war against Iran was a mistake and created the brutal dictator."

    That is a false statement. During the Iran-Iraq war, the US policy was to was to support neither side. Iraq invaded Iran, as they did Kuwait. Iraq received most of it's military equipment from the Soviets. The US along with Soviet Union, China, and France dis provide some some military and financial aid, as well as diplomatic and moral support. Saddam borrowed 75 billion from Arab States the main reason the infastructure in Iraq was not maintained. The US also supplied Iran with some military aid. Remember the Iran-Contra affair.

    The US had nothing to do with creating the brutal dictator. Saddam was a VicePresident of Iraq starting in 1969 and bcame President in 1979. He was a brutal person long before he came to be President.

    Educate yourself.

  13. Well! What do you do with this stuff? Everybody has an opinion and thinks that their "facts" are correct, and everybody else is a moron. The post was about the execution of Saddam Hussein, which was the decision of the Iraqi people after a fair trial. It may not have been a "perfect" trial, but it was a fair one.

    BTW, I don't get my "facts" from FOX news either. I'm interested in what they have to say, and I am also interested in BBC, MSNBC, and CNN. I make my own judgements.

    Re FOX News, if some of you people werent' so far left of center to begin with, you would see that FOX is closer to the center than you would care to admit.

  14. Anonymous10:02 AM

    You are absolutely right, Peter. As soon as someone starts ranting against FOX news I know I just need to move on. FOX news is much closer to the center than they are right of center, let alone "far right". If someone is bashing FOX news I know their perception of reality is completely skewed and they must be far left.

  15. Sorry I’m in on this so late, but wtf is with all the armchair politicians? Why get your panties in a twist over events that are far, far from your control? Money is what sets our agenda. Money is why Saddam was a dictator. Money is why the news shows us what it wishes (FOX included). Money is the reason for all the insanity, not bad politics. Was Saddam the biggest threat to US and world security? Was he the biggest oppressor of people and their freedom? Or was he sitting on the largest untapped oil reservoir on the planet? Hmmm… I wonder.


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