Warning!: blockdelete.com- Protect Your Ass!

Those nasty spammers have apparently reappeared, using a private domain registration through GoDaddy.

What they do is capture your Windows Live Messenger credentials under the ruse that they will show you all your blocked contacts (which is easy enough to do yourself with libraries like DotMsn - without the security risks).

What they don't tell you is that if you do this, your account is now compromised -- and they'll send every one of your contacts a message (since it's your credentials, it appears from you, a trusted contact) that tells you to go visit their site and sucker for it too. There's only one solution if you suckered for it - you have to change your Live.com password immediately.

Just look at this:

"The longly[sic] awaited feature for MSN Messenger, completely for free[sic]!"

When you click on their Privacy page link, you get nada! What a scam. Unfortunately, from reading the newsgroup and forum posts, it appears that thousands of people are getting suckered for this social engineering scam from these total scumbags.

I'm seriously considering complaining to Google about this, because the bastards have a Google Adsense ad at the bottom of their page. Clearly a violation of Google's TOS. If enough people complain, Google will ban them and they'll have no financial incentive any longer. Incidentally, Google has recently begun actually soliciting reports of "bad" web sites. The form to do it is here. You can also visit Stop Badware, a consumer protection site sponsored by Google and other major firms.

We live in a dangerous world. Even cyberspace is dangerous. Protect Your Ass.

Getting the right client-side ID for ASP.NET Controls

This is really simple stuff, but judging by the number of forum and newsgroup posts I've seen asking the same question over and over again, it may not be very obvious to many newer developers: The ASP.NET infrastructure "mangles" control ID's based on the container hierarchy they are in. So for example if you have a Master Page and a Page that uses it, and you put a TextBox "TextBox1" on it, that's not what you'll get at the client side in the browser. So any javascript you write that is looking for "TextBox1" will fail. Here's the correct way to ensure that your script won't fail:


  1. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I gave up MSN a while ago (forced upgrade), so I haven't came across this, but should definitely rat them out to Google. Punks.

    I'm gonna write a bot that spots bots and clots their shots.

  2. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I fell the trap. Now my email is disable. I email support@hotmail.com and wait the reply from them. Hopefully i get a reply soon.

    Please let me know if you know how I can get my account back.

  3. Anonymous10:23 PM

    My wife got hit with this today. I thought we had a virus and was looking for it like crazy and coming up with nothing until I read you post.

    Thanks for the info - I did have her change her msn password right away as it did appear that she her account was hacked.

    I will be sending a complaint to google for sure.

    I am going to re-blog this on my site if you don't mind!

    Cheers and thanks for the great post.

  4. Anonymous11:09 AM

    thanx for the heads up =]
    my friend has it and its really annoying coz the hack or whatever it is keeps signing her in and sending the link to everyone on her list then it signs her back off...my other friend said that SUPERAntiSpyware got rid of it..So if any of you guys want to download it you can get it from here: http://www.superantispyware.com/download.html
    make sure you get the free version =]

  5. Anonymous2:48 AM

    yeah i had a friends account sent me this link and i hope he will spread word(like i asked) to the people in his contact list.....gosh there are a lot of little red flags all over the page

  6. Your right!

    Lots of people have been caught in this Block Delete scam. I have seen lots of Blogs posting like you about BlockDelete.com and sharing information to people so we can stop these spammers.

    I know there are other domain names that redirect to Block Delete as well. One is Free-Offers-For-You.com another one I seen is Dont-Miss-This.com

    The only thing is this person will keep changing its domain names but hopefully more and more people will learn about this and stop this guy. The bad thing about it is that it only takes one person to fall for this Block Delete scam and there he has access to all their contacts. Block Delete.com really has like a viral effect.

    I hate these spammers and hope we can try and put a stop to this.

  7. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Dont forget they is more to watch out for here a list www.clicktoforyou.com is BAD it leads to www.blockdelete.com witch is a robot that spams all your contacts in MSN and WindowLive and say: ( See who blocked you on msn ) asked you for user name and password and spams you emails for credit card numbers and other important inforamation and spams all your friends another others that lead to this is( http://www.yedekiz.info ) (http://www.yidiztasi.info)(http://www.alfadenyei.info)http://www.arkanawebzine.info)(http://www.agirsilah.info)(http:www.cayirkurdu.info)(http://www.etkinbasinc.info)(http://www.cazli.info)http://www.boyamagucu.info)(http//:www.newmarketadditives.info)(http//:www.bukleli.info) there is just afew that i got in the last 2 days Grrrr not happy spamming me with a mobile device what can be done to stop this ???


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