Windows Live Messenger: Unable to Connect Error 80040200 Fix


I stumbled across this fix via a web search in the Live Messenger Blog about a different error code. It worked for me on Windows Vista.

1.) Close Messenger. Go into Task Manager and ensure that the “msnmsgr.exe” process is not there. If it is, kill the process.

2.) Navigate to C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts and delete the entire contents of the folder.

3.) Restart Windows Live Messenger. Voila!

There is another issue I found where the standalone installer for Messenger fails with a message like “could not open key…”. One fix for this is to navigate to the C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger folder and DELETE the msnmsgr.exe executable if it is there.

ReallyReallyDumb Exception Messages Department


I think it was Donn Felker who first tweeted about this, but I didn’t believe it until I got one myself:



Go Figure!


  1. Anonymous2:44 AM


  2. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Yes, works, thankx....

  3. nicely done. worked great. any idea of what causes this?

  4. @Bill,
    There is a contacts.edb contacts database that can get corrupted. By deleting all this, you are forcing Messenger to regenerate this data fresh.

  5. BTW, I neglected to point out that I've done this fix three times now. After deleting (as per the instructions), Windows Live Mess. works fine for about a day.

    I am certainly not going to apply this fix every day... so unless MS fixes this, I will need to revert back to the older Messenger.

  6. Anonymous11:52 AM

    You can just restart MSN and it works I was afraid all my settings would go so I just restarted it and it worked.

  7. Thank you thank you thank you thank you! That was making me nuts and yours was the fastest and simplest solution. Much obliged!

  8. Does anyone know WHY this is occurring?

    I never had a problem until I upgraded to this version of Messenger. Peter's 'fix' does work, however, it is temporary. It seems that Messenger fails every few days. I can restart it but it is only a matter of time before it fails again!

    Microsoft's support doesn't even acknowledge that this is a common issue!


  9. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Don't know what happened to get into this problem, but thanks so much for the step by step - worked like a charm!

  10. thanx a lot for helping with stupid msn! I was stuck like this for days, and now...miracle ;)

  11. THANK S ALL THE BEST this realy works

  12. Anonymous1:05 PM

    thank s all the best

  13. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Thank you!!! it works with my pc

  14. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Great. Do not know how to thank you. Nice clear and step by step instructions. Worked perfect :)

  15. Thank you. It worked! Genius. Pretty straight forward! Thanks!!!!!!!!

  16. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I can follow it up to step 2 where it says what files to go into, but my appdata isn't in our user folder

    What do I do???

  17. Worked in Vista. I'm back up!

  18. Anonymous1:14 PM

    thanks a lot
    happy i didn't have to reinstall wlm

  19. Please check you system datetime. For some reason my system datetime was set in 2 months ahead(I have young twins so I am not surprized). But Peters fix didn't work for me. I did go on that folder and deleted the file. When I tried to log in, I was getting the error and that's when I noticed the "date" . I fixed the date on the system and it logged in just fine.

  20. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Can you explain for all us internet thicko's (i.e me) how to get to that folder where u have to delete everything

  21. Read Item #2 in the post. "YourUserName" is the name of your user profile on the machine.

  22. Peter, I did put this in my blog here.

  23. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Thank you so much. Your fix worked perfectly in Vista!

  24. Thank you!!
    works perfectly!!

    Windows Vista

  25. Thank you so much! This was exactly what i needed to do!!

  26. thanks for solving my problem

  27. I tried for 3 months to get my messenger to work. I tried every solution. It went from a messed up error code to the 80040200 error code. I tried what you said and the first thing out of my mouth was no fricking way... it worked!!! I am very impressed... thank you! Your solution was very quick and effective!

  28. Anonymous4:10 PM

    thankyou,, lifesaver

  29. Anonymous12:34 AM

    I followed the instructions and it worked for me. Thank you very much!

  30. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Followed the steps and it corrected my IM. Don't know what happened. I never close my IM and it has been working with no issues for months. Oh well, that's microsoft for you.

  31. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Didn't work, i did everything you said but when i tried to sign in i got error code 8007007e. This has been going on for 7 months now and i'm about to throw my computor out the window. HELP PLEASE?

  32. Anonymous5:02 PM

    It really worked! thank you so much :D

  33. Anonymous8:11 AM

    thanks, I was afraid that I might lose my contacts or previous info but I didn't. Worked Great!


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