Why the Economic Stimulus Plan Doesn’t Work

When President Obama was elected, the economy was already sick and getting sicker.

If nothing was done, his economic team said, the unemployment rate would keep rising, reaching 9 percent in early 2010. But if the nation embarked on a fiscal stimulus of $775 billion, mainly in the form of increased government spending, the unemployment rate was predicted to stay under 8 percent. Obama bought into a classic Keynesian solution – and so did Congress.

Congress passed a huge fiscal stimulus that focused almost entirely on government spending. Yet things turned out worse than the White House expected. The unemployment rate is now in the 10 percent range — a full percentage point above what the administration economists said would occur without any stimulus!

So what should they  do now? The administration seems  determined to stay the course, although recently, the president showed interest in “increasing the dosage” – a bad prescription indeed. A better approach might be to rethink the entire strategy from the git-go.

When concocting its fiscal package, the Obama Administration relied on conventional economic models based largely on ideas of John Maynard Keynes. Keynesian theory says that government spending is more potent than tax policy for jump-starting a stalled economy.

The fallacies of Keynesian economics were exposed decades ago by Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman. Ronald Reagan's decision to dump Keynesianism in favor of supply-side policies—which emphasize incentives for investment—produced a 25-year economic boom.

According to  Christina  Romer, now chairwoman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers, each dollar of tax cuts has historically raised G.D.P. by about $3 — three times the figure used in the administration’s recent report. That is also far greater than most estimates of the effects of government spending.

In an October study, Alberto Alesina and Silvia Ardagna  of Harvard looked at large changes in fiscal policy in 21 nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. They identified 91 episodes since 1970 in which policy moved to stimulate the economy. They compared the policy interventions that succeeded —  those that were followed by robust growth — with those that failed.

What did they find? Successful stimulus relies almost entirely on cuts in business and income taxes. Failed stimulus relies mostly on increases in government spending.

These studies and others point toward tax policy as the best fiscal tool to combat recession, particularly tax changes that influence incentives to invest, like an investment tax credit.  This really should come as no surprise, since small and medium size businesses are the engine that creates 80 percent of American jobs. Throughout modern history, it is small business that fuels jobs and growth – not government.  Yet, the Administration and Congress’ knee-jerk spending reactions so far indicate that they “still don’t get it”. If Congress and the President really wanted to get the economy moving and create jobs, they could repeal the capital gains tax. But, they won’t.

There is a growing body of evidence to support that Keynesianism is not an effective way to “spend your way” out of a bad recession. It’s time for our legislators and the executive branch to stop the spending foolishness. Ronald Reagan got it. All we have now is simply a recipe to repeat the Japanese “Lost Decade” of the 1990’s.


  1. Reagen added to our national debt, as did Bush 1 and 2, Clinton reduced the national debt and now Obama has increased it. So how and why would you say Reagen got it? Got what, increasing national debt was the solution?

    Additionally, Reagen embraced "trickle-down" economics a slightly twisted form of supply-side economics in which by decreasing taxes on the richest, investment would be increased in which the effects would "trickle-down" to the have-nots (me and you, included!). It's the same thing that is happening today with robber-banker barons (Wall Street) and TARP and other bailout funds.

    Nope, nothing has changed!

  2. @jmorris Actually it wasn't Reagan that added to the debt - it was Congress and he couldn't stop them.

    But the ideas were sound and they did create an economic boom, which was only dismantled by the Bush Administration.

  3. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Friedman? His economic ideas have been rightly flushed down the toilet.


    But don't take MY word for it, take Milton Friedman's:


    "I said, 'Privatize, privatize, privatize. I was wrong. Joe was right. What we want is privatization, and the rule of law."

    Oh, and another one of your heroes also admitted he was an idiot. Let's listen into Alan Greenspan,


    Arrogant son of a bitch should be executed.

    And lets talk about the enormous tax increase that passed in 1982,


    Who was President in 1982? Wait for it, Ronald Reagan. But it wasn't just an enormous tax increase, it was the "largest peacetime tax increase in American history."

    Your historical revisionism is fantastic. I suspect that you also believe that cigarettes don't cause cancer. And ya, sunspots cause global warming.

  4. @Anonymous,
    You are pulling out anything you can find to try and refute what I have written. But you've failed.

    I read the Guardian article and it doesn't say anything about Friedmans ideas being flushed down the toilet. It merely says that he should not have been given credit for Chile's building codes.

    And in the Newsweek article, Friedman is simply adding Stiglitz' (correct) note that in addition to a privatized free market, you also need rules.

    Alan Greenspan was never a hero of mine, I don't know where you may have gotten this idea. I agree that Greenspan is / was an idiot.

    Regarding TEFRA, Reagan wasn't responsible for it. He only agreed to it based on a 3-1 spending reduction for each dollar of tax increase. Of course, he didn't get that.

    Cigarettes do cause cancer. However, there is considerable evidence that solar output (sunspots being a proxy) is responsible for major cycles of climate change - and has been for billions of years - way before humans showed up on the planet.

    Do you have a blog? Let me know where it is so I can visit and enlighten myself.


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