Don’t criticize – Be a Mentor

I tweeted this concept recently and got a very positive response.

As developers, business owners, partners, and gurus of various breeds, we are constantly exposed to situations where things other people do just don’t seem to fit our personal paradigm.

Sometimes, a natural reaction may be to put somebody down or make a sarcastic comment.

Don’t do it.

Environments like this create a situation where we can excel as developers, or we can turn them into a situation where we turn out to be a complete and total ass because of our behavior towards others.

No matter what the situation is, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

There is NEVER a situation where putting somebody down will further the effort – not in development, not in personal interactions, not in a group. Never.

What you need to do is step back, hold your breath, and think. Then, hopefully, you can find the resources in your inner being to respond in a positive manner.

The results, if you work on this process, will be nothing short of amazing. I guarantee it.


  1. Couldn't agree more, and if you take the time to really listen the why can be a great idea that needs a little work on the how.. or something like that

  2. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Pete I enjoy your blog but I have to say I nearly fell off my chair when I read this.

    -President Obama

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Peter, very good post indeed.
    This is the lesson i started to learn at the and of August 2010 from my doctor. A week later i found this post while i was looking for some C# tips :-)

    Resonance Law :-?



  4. Anonymous8:31 AM

    It has been shown that 'bitching' can tighten a group. It provides us lot a good laugh, which is the best medicine for a development team under constant pressure and stress to deliver. If you can't take a bit of well aimed sarcasm or wit as well as you dish it out, then fit in the team you will not.

  5. Anonymous12:10 AM

    I disagree with most of your opinion posts. This one is spot on. If anything, you probably understated how important the issue is.


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