
Showing posts from July, 2013

A short tale of Israel, the work ethic, and conservatism

When I was in my 20's I suddenly became very interested in Israel. I should mention by way of preface that I am probably the most unobservant Jew you will ever meet - I think the last time I was inside a synagogue was when my friend's son died and I attended the funeral service; I was married to a Christian woman for 23 years and attended church with her. Israeli consulates here have what is called the "Aliyah" program - if you are Jewish (e.g., your mother is Jewish) they will welcome you to return to the ancestral homeland, usually to work on a Kibbutz. I had drifted, going to community college, having a lot of fun, learning to play jazz (flute and string bass), but I was unfulfilled. So off to Israel I went - to Kibbutz Na'an, south of Tel Aviv. It's a vibrant community of some 2000 plus residents that raises oranges and vegetables and also has a sprinkler factory that makes the Na'an lawn sprinklers that most everyone has seen. While there you spend ha...

What the ā€œWar on [insert favorite liberal theme here] is really all about

Recently Townhall had an excellent article on this subject .  Liberals love to bring out the theory of ā€œincome inequalityā€ to address every perceived problem in our culture ā€“ whether itā€™s global warming,  breast cancer,  riots in Sweden, France, or the disappearance of the arctic ice shelf ā€“ itā€™s ā€œincome inequalityā€ that is the culprit. To sum it up: 1)  Income Inequality is ā€œsettledā€ science. 2)  The world will end if we donā€™t address it. 3)  Rich people and government types- our betters- agree on this. 4)  We must do something about it immediately. Sound familiar? Thereā€™s a problem though. Much of the hype about income inequality in the Western world is more about the changing dynamics of society and the make-up of households than it is about income. The Pew Trust recently released a report that shows that one of the prime movers behind income inequality isnā€™t income at all, but the growing number of single mother household, which have rocketed ...

Utter Politically Correct B.S. Department

"I really believe that the way America will look best, the way we can really do best, is to not be Americans so vigilantly and so vehemently,ā€ said Michael Shulan, creative director of the 9/11 Memorial Museum. Eventually they decided on 3 photos instead of just this one. Shulan didn't like three photographs more than he liked one, but he went along with it. So we had a bunch of maniac terrorists drive 2 planes into the WTC, killing over 3,000 people, and all this asshole can think about is his personal little libtard view of how America will look best? Up yours, pal!

Sociopaths Don't Change

The way of thinking sociopaths have is deeply different from anyone else and thus, their reasons for their abnormal behaviors are vastly different from anyone else's. Generally, they can't be helped as they believe their way of thinking is right. Remember that although it may not be a person's fault that he or she is a sociopath, this individual is still responsible for his or her actions, and you do not need to fix those issues or damage your own life by staying around. Remember that it is never your fault. If someone you know has a sociopathic personality, forgive them the best you can and move on. This can be difficult for a relationship, but the one without the disorder is suggested to try loving them from a protected absentee distance. Not many couples live happy relationships because people don't tend to change from these disorders, but the best thing you can do is try to forgive and move on for your own safety and well-being. Sociopaths are less prone to emotion ...

Why Do Sociopaths Cheat?

Have you ever wondered, "why did the person I was with cheat so much? Has this person any clue how much their actions have hurt me?" Not all sociopaths are unfaithful. But a large proportion are. Simply being unfaithful is not part of the criteria for sociopathy, in fact itā€™s not even in the DSM checklist. But many sociopaths are unfaithful; why is this? Why do sociopaths cheat? Boredom Poor impulse control Lack of guilt Lack of empathy To boost narcissistic ego Lacking in emotional connection Opportunistic Additional source for supply The sociopath rarely cheats because he/she has met the love of his life. He cheats, because the opportunity is presented to him. The sociopath will take on the persona of people that they are around, so being close to other people gives new dimension to their own personality. Quite simply, the sociopath cheats, because he can. Without guilt or remorse, there is no reason not to. He doesn't particularly make long term plans, and tends to act...

The Bankruptcy of Progressive Liberalism

A clever man (or a clever city or state government) can survive and even appear to prosper for awhile on very limited resources. He can live on borrowed money, shifting from creditor to creditor as bills come due, going ever deeper into debt. Promises flow from him, and plans for recouping his fortunes and producing great wealth. Many will extend credit to him because he puts up a good front, weaves fascinating justifications for his failures, and paints seductive word pictures of his prospects. There comes a time, however, in the affairs of the cleverest of such men when their confidence game no longer works its magic. A "credibility gap" appears; the promises, instead of attracting further credit, have all become notes falling due. Notes are presented for payment; credit is not extended; the debts cannot be paid. When that happens, a man is bankrupt. Any resources he has are taken from him to satisfy, as far as they will, the claims of his creditors. Such is the plight of...

Heaven and Hell Are An Invention of Man and The Church, Not God

Did the Bible "originally state" that there is a place like Hell? In the Old Testament, there was no "place of eternal damnation." There was Sheol, where everybody--good or bad--went after they died. Things got messier from there. When the Hebrew text was translated into Greek, "Sheol" was replaced by "Hades." Then, when evolving Jewish and Christian beliefs began to emphasize resurrection, Hades became a place where only the nasty folks went. OK, so there were two different names for this place. Now let's introduce a third, Gehenna, which early Christian teaching said was a fiery hell to which the wicked would be sent after judgment. The root of the word refers to the Valley of Hinnom, a location "south of Jerusalem, where trash fires burned incessantly and where ancient human sacrifices had been offered to Canaanite gods." The Book of Revelation took this a step further by saying those evil folks would be "thrown into a lak...