How to spot fake news 101

People create fake news for all kinds of reasons, mostly political. Here's an example:

The following "news" article claims that Wikileaks leaked a Podesta email that contains the following:

“JB, CF, and JK PACS will be noticeably silent for the rest of the campaign. Each will receive a significant allowance from advertising budget. HRC is in the loop and has talked to all three personally. Eyes only.”

In fact if you search google on the first sentence, about 425 so-called "news sources" have picked this up and run with it. To it's credit, Snopes shows up in the search and they successfully debunk it. But you know what else shows up? A Wikileaks search!

That's right, Wikileaks has an excellent search facility. And if you plug that phrase into their search, you will come up with ..... NADA!

Wikileaks never published any such email. Apparently somebody in an effort to discredit both the GOP and Wikileaks concocted it out of thin air.

You're welcome.


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