Problems Installing Visual Studio.NET 2005? SQL Server 2005?

Fear not! Installation guru extraordinaire, Aaron Stebner, has created a "central link" post that links to all his latest tips and tricks relating to installation issues:

You can find it here.

Incidentally, devil's advocate that I tend to be, I UnBlogged some time ago about ASP.NET 2.0 stress -testing based on an early MSDN article that was, well - let's say "ambitious", and heard back from Mr. ASP.NET himself, Scott Guthrie,
whose only objective was to "be objective" and who was very helpful with my tests.

I'm pleased to report Scott's latest:

"A few interesting stats that the stress team shared while I was filming them:
-- We run a total of 118 stress variations in the lab. Some do normal things like data access, standard page rendering, etc. Others simulate memory leaks, repeated app-domain restarts, crashes, and deadlocks (where the goal is to make sure the worker process recovers and the server stays up).
-- We put an average of 7,380 hours of stress testing on each build of ASP.NET 2.0 that we produced this year (note: we have a heck of a lot of stress servers).
-- Our lab throws 15 billion HTTP requests per day at ASP.NET servers in our lab.
-- All stress variations passed at 100% for the final build we released."

Kudos to ScottGu and his ASP.NET dev team.

When was the last time YOU stress-tested an ASP.NET App? Do you know how to do it? I spent nearly three weeks at the MS Testing Lab in Charlotte, NC under the tutelage of Dennis Bass and his crew. They were experts par excellance and I learned skills that have enabled me to increase my income and become a better developer. Learn how to stress-test your ASP.NET apps. Visual Studio.NET 2005 is an awesome piece of work. It has bugs, and it has idiosyncracies. But you can develop world-class applications with it. A big part of that process is learning how to improve throughput in PRODUCTION - which is often much, much different than development!


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