Time for a new Global Energy Policy?

Shafts of ancient ice pulled from Antarctica's frozen depths show that for at least 650,000 years three important heat-trapping greenhouse gases never reached recent atmospheric levels caused by human activities, scientists are reporting today.

The measured gases were carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Concentrations have risen over the last several centuries at a pace far beyond that seen before humans began intensively clearing forests and burning coal, oil and other fossil fuels, and the results are being published today in the journal Science.

"CO2 and climate are like two people handcuffed to each other. Where one goes, the other must follow. Leadership may change, or they may march in step, but they are never far from each other. Our current CO2 levels appear to be far out of balance with climate when viewed through these results, reinforcing the idea that we have significant modern warming to go.", said James White, a geology professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Did you like Hurricane Katrina? Want some more? Hey, just keep drivin' that gas-guzzlin' SUV to work every day, with you being the only person in it!

How much evidence do you NEED? Did the Twin Towers coming down not convince you that there are bad, BAD people who want you DEAD, or have you just conveniently "forgotten about it"?

Gas and oil prices have come down dramatically, exactly as I predicted in early October, is that why we are "forgetting"?

We put people on the fewkin' MOON FORTY YEARS AGO! Are you telling me we can't take care of this shit?

We got a bunch of "status quo" good old boys in Congress who better wake up before all our grandchildren are DEAD. Let's get the "lead out" and formulate a long-term energy policy that really will work for America and the civilized world -- for the next 100, 200 years - and beyond. What kind of idiotic intellectual stagnation and lack of vision are we suffering from today?

Let's show some fewkin' GLOBAL LEADERSHIP for a change!

And at the same time, we can tell the oil guys in the Middle East to take a well-deserved HIKE. We can produce enough ethanol from corn right here in the USA to power every car, truck and bus in our country. And it costs WAY LESS than gasoline from OIL. If you travel through Nebraska, you can buy 95% Ethanol from corn at the pump -- and most modern cars and trucks will run great on it with no required modifications. How come it's not happening everywhere else? Simple: Your Congressperson and Senator aren't being pressured to do anything about it!

This isn' t about Democrats vs. Republicans, folks. It's not about Bush and Cheney being hooked into "Big Oil". If you think it is, you completely missed the message.What it's about is our future. Trade in your SUV to some sheik in Bahrain and start writing letters to your elected representatives. At least, it's a start.

I've been chastised for not sticking to technology and .NET on my UnBlog. My formula is simple: mix in enough of my personal view on world events I think are important, along with the technology stuff, so that programmers will read both. So what do you think? Do you have an opinion, or do you just think "Oh, yeah" and that 's the end of it? If you have a conviction, then get off your ass and DO SOMETHING about it, dood!

Incidentally, an astute blogger commented on a previous post of mine about the Committee on Energy and Commerce
with an interesting link that concerns this topic. Maybe we just need AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE?

Here's the deal: Even if you don't believe the research, don't we STILL NEED TO HAVE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE FROM FOREIGN OIL? I'm SICK of these power-hungry bureaucrats who think their SHIT DOESN"T STINK, and who are disconnected from the reality of global economics and security! We pay their salaries through our hard-earned tax money. They need to listen to US!

That's my two cents! ( for more information on ethanol, you can start here.)


  1. Anonymous2:09 AM

    I did not lnow you could get ethanol at the pump in Nebraska. What does it cost ? Is it price-competitive with gasoline ?
    Here in Europe nobody talks about ethanol, it's all about hydrogin, but it's just talk, there's actually next to no places where you can get it at the pump.


  2. You can get more information on ethanol here,

    and at many other sites.

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM

    well said, mr. bromberg

    i've been preaching a similar doctrine for years - but most people just look at me askance when i get up on that soapbox

    my plan potentially solves manifold problems

    first stage: we get off of middle-eastern oil

    while we're still convincing others to get onto alternative fuels, we can produce our own gasoline and buy from neighbors in the western hemisphere

    this first stage would have at least four initial benefits: 1) the middle-eastern fanatics would suddenly have a serious limitation of funds for their hate-inspired activities (after all, a terrorist without means is simply an angry man, trapped in the middle of the desert, shaking his fist at the west), 2) with the west no longer dependent on the middle-east would have no political bargaining chips with which to manipulate the west - at least a lot fewer bargaining chips, 3) buying oil from western neighbors (such as mexico, for example) would improve their economies, which means that more job opportunities will be created there, which means that illegal immigration from those countries is minimized significantly, meaning a reduction in costs for us in maintaining such a heavy and expensive bureaucracy for handling illegal immigration issues, and 4) gasoline prices in the u.s. would likely drop as a result of buying from neighboring countries, which translates into a stronger u.s. economy

    second stage: heavy campaigning for the benefits of alternative fuels

    this could be done by offering special tax deductions (or other incentives) for people who use ethanol- or similarly powered vehicles

    the key to convincing the american people that alternative fuels are the way to go is to assure them that the costs of fuel and maintenance won't be prohibitive, that the alternative fuel will be easily obtainable (easy to find and easy to pump into the car), and that the vehicle will have the same (or better) "oompf" as a gasoline-powered vehicle

    the corn-based ethanol you mentioned is a fantastic alternative fuel - it's produced from a continually renewable resource - what's stopping us from using it?

  4. Excellent. The only thing stopping us from becoming 100% independent from foreign oil is our Administration and Congress' utter stupidity, influenced partly by big oil lobbying.

    As mentioned, we put people on the moon 35+ years ago.

  5. Anonymous2:00 PM

    You might want to check your facts on the physics of energy. The problem is much bigger than you think.

  6. Re: "check your facts" -- Who wrote this incredible horseshit?

    You must be on another planet. Civilization was alread here for 45,000 years before oil was even discovered.


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