CNN Reports Computers have decoded Mona Lisa Smile

Scientists analyzed the portrait of the Mona Lisa, a woman with famously mixed emotions, hoping to unlock her smile.

They applied emotion recognition software that measures a person's mood by examining features such as the curve of the lips and the crinkles around the eyes.

The findings? Mona Lisa was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry, according to the British weekly "New Scientist."

They also found out that she likes Fajita Burritos from Chipotle Grill, drives a Lamborghini, and likes to wear push-up designer bras by Verdissima.

As can be seen here in the after-scan photo, Ms. Lisa did not take kindly to being "scanned". Many people are not aware that Mona was also an expert object - oriented programmer. The only problem is, nobody has ever been able to find her code...

Ain't technology grand?


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