Serializing a Dictionary: Pictures Better than code

As an aside to my recent link about how to fold a T-Shirt, I present for your viewing pleasure the official tutorial on how to Serialize a Dictionary:

BTW, I don't usually do the "Me Too!" mentality thing of linking to other people's blogs since it tends to just muck-up the blogosphere. In this case Brian Johnston has a very funny and revealing poke at the JAVA vs. .NET space here. If you work with Microsoft technology for a living, maybe its time to just count your blessings... (Sorry like so many good things, apparently this went bye-bye. Thanks to Mr. Anonymous Coward commenter who brought it to my attention.).


  1. Anonymous2:19 PM

    You say you don't usually link "to other people's blogs since it tends to just muck-up the blogosphere", yet you post shit like this that "mucks-up" the search results. You're only compounding the frustration of people trying to find a valid solution to a valid problem with bullshit like this.

  2. That is correct. Unlike the hordes of "Me Too" bloggers, I normally do not link to other people's blogs, preferring to present mostly originaly content.

    And you, sir, obviously don't have much of a sense of humor. Too bad for you, pal.


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