FREE LINKS (as in "free beer")

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." -- Einstein

Yep. Review my UnBlog and get a free link! Increase your website or blog's PageRank (and ours) by building backlinks.

The rules are simple:

1) Write up a review about Peter Bromberg's UnBlog (at least 200 words) containing a link to BOTH my main page and this page, and post it on your blog or website. You can say whatever you want. I hope it's something nice, but it doesn't have to be.

2) Email me a link to your review once it is up (remove the ".nospam" from the email address).

3) I will respond by adding a link to your review (and of course, to your site or blog) on my links post, which will appear as an entry on the sidebar of every page of this UnBlog, as soon as I have a few links to list.

Oh - and, I probably don't need to say this, but I will: If you've got offbase content, adult or offensive material, I reserve the right to decline the link offer.

Links Follow:

IttyUrl.Net Free Links, short urls, and more
Nicholas's Blog-O-Rama
Mario's Blog


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Do reciprocal links really increase your PR? Or is it really one way links that you need to increase your PR?

  2. The search engine doesn't care whether the links to a site are reciprocal or not. What it cares about is the authority (page rank).

  3. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Hi Peter,

    I'd be interested in writing a review of your blog. I've actually read a heap of your stuff on eggheadcafe over the years.

    I'm a .Net coder, though have been doing mostly SEO for the last couple of years. My blog is at

    Let me know if you are still doing the review/link stuff. I saw that the review post was back in Feb, and I can't see any links to other blogs so I'm not sure if you are still doing it.


  4. I'm happy to post a link in exchange for a review. The content is still there, which means the offer is open. I have no intention of taking the content down, ever.


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